Our services

Why - our values

"This company cannot exist without a heart."

What our customers say


Florian Splitt

Team Leader Manufacturing and Process
Engineering Springs

"The collaboration with MMB was characterized by transparency and short communication channels from the very beginning. This meant that the implementation of the process in the fully automated system could be designed with the necessary flexibility."

Pio Feruggio

Head of mechanical production department and project manager
Automation projects

"MMB presented us with a convincing concept with which we were able to significantly improve process reliability when foiling a roof frame strip, for example."

Why MMB?

8h / day
220 days
/ p.a.
22h / day
320 days
/ p.a.


With the help of MMB, our partners, such as Stero GmbH & Co. KG, are able to increase the availability of their special machines by more than 2.8 times per day!

Instead of the machines being available for just 8 hours a day, 220 days a year, we were able to increase this to 22 hours a day, 320 days a year.

This not only leads to a significant increase in economic efficiency, but also to less wear and tear and savings in material and working hours.

Satisfied customers and partners

Write us!

Your contact person

Dudije Jakupi

Assistant of the management